วันเสาร์ที่ 17 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Welcome to Chai Rung Textile Ltd.,Part (CR)’s blogs

           Hello I am an agency of CR. We wholesale high-quality Polyester (EP Fabric) and uniform fabric to cut it out for uniform and garment.
CR wholesales quality 100% Polyester >> gent and lady’s uniforms
- Fashion cloth >> 100% polyester
 - For garment
To be suitable for gent and lady’s uniform
-  Army officer, Mariner, Air force man, Police and Government officer
-  Firm
-  Nurse
-  Oron cloth
-  Volunteer
Type of product
     -  Grey Fabric
     -  Yarn Dyed
     -  Printed Fabric

** We use foreign thread to be fabric. It is high-quality, not faded cloth, not sweat stain etc. If you buy plentifully, you can order to dye.
 (Polyester fabric, Solon fabric, Levi fabric, Sert valen fabric, Spandex fabric)

Warning! Carefully the fake of fabrics that are low-quality thread.
(Harsh cloth, paled color etc.)
**We don’t retail**

Contact us
>>>Chai Rung Textile Ltd.,Part<<<
787 after the Jakkawat temple
Mahajak road (Sam pheng) Bangkok 10100 Thailand
Tell: 02-622-6001-2
Fax: 02-224-5161
E-mail: chairung_cr@windowslive.com
website : www.chairungtextile.com 

